Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Poetry Page

Father Figure
Copyright © 2004 by Alberta Parish

Young girls now know more about sex than they should
Ten-year-olds' virginity have often been took
By child molesters, family pedophiles, sometimes Mama's live-in boyfriend
Many days you thought he was at work when he was home with ol' girl gettin' his NUT in
Often girls that come from single-parent broken homes
For them, the genuine love of a male figure is many times unknown
You see, girls, too need THAT male emotional connection
So they won't end up traveling down the wrong direction
They need that positive male headship
So when they do get a good man they won't treat him like shit
I find that many are confused and looking for love in all the wrong men
That's why some are so quick to give up their skin
Babies having babies; a national epidemic among the races
And daily, the courts are overwhelmed with child support cases
Many guys do step up to the plate, and raise their kids
Even though some females be hatin' on brothers for leaving them
They wanna cause TURBULENCE instead of - for the sake of the child -
become FRIENDS
Wanna take brothers down for being a day late with child support payments
Why don't you grow up and gain some common sense
REALIZE your children need his or her father
I always thought mine just didn't wanna be bothered
'Cause he was never around
Then he died and was put into the ground
I came up thinkin' how life was so unfair
But I had a strong mother who raised us the best way she could
No shit from us she ever took
God never ordained for mothers to assume the role of a father
But as some failed in their relationships and ran
Mothers were forced to raise their kids the best way they can
For our social ills, experts wanna place blame on children from broken homes
Remember the killings at Columbine; it taught us that evil could spring from two-parent homes
I know some women believe it's okay to raise children alone
But you are dead wrong
'Cause it was never meant for you to do it alone
No matter how much you try to show yourself to be strong
Only a man can show a boy how to be a man
And black fathers definitely need to equip their sons with a battle plan
To overcome the maze of hidden racism and economic distress
They need to be taught how to build their own success
And stop building other peoples' wealth
'Cause they don't give two shits about minority kids living in hell
That's why we as a community must raise our children
So they won't fall through the cracks of an ever-present evil system

Copyright © 2004 by Alberta Parish

From time's beginning you were around,
Always watching, always lurking in the shadows for your prey.
From the depths of hell have you come to us,
To rain down the fire of your tyranny,
To bring rapid chaos upon the world of mortal men.
If only you too were mortal,
A sword taken to your black heart,
Our suffering at your hands would cease.
Then would we all shout for joy,
And celebrate your cowardly demise.
But no, you are an immortal,
A fierce creature that's lived before the first world began.
Knowledge of all the world's secrets you possess.
Even the secrets of the Most High have not been hidden from you.
You, who have caused kingdoms to fall and nations to cower,
Does there not exist some secret to your destruction?
Ah, if only you too were mortal,
Then could you die at the hands of mortal men,
And that day would be a day of great rejoicing throughout the earth...

Copyright (c) 2004 by Alberta Parish 

It's sad you have to be a household name just to get respect

Because when you're seen as a nobody, you get disrespect

From all angles, at every turn

Nobody sees you for who you are

The only time they do see you is when you become a star

Everybody knows you then

Relatives you haven't heard from in years call you out the blue

Friends that never had your back suddenly become your best friend

All of them dyin' to ride in your brand new Mercedes-Benz

These were the same people who—on the road to success—doubted you

And before you got all that money you was somebody they rarely knew

They didn't know how to pick up the phone, call and say, 'What's up'

Now, they wanna hang around you all the time because you lucked up

Since you got plenty of money you call your own shots

And now, everybody wanna be SEEN at your spot

Long gone are the days of you kissin' ass

Now, everybody's kissin' your ass just to get your autograph

Celebrity power makes the world go round and round

But you must be careful to not let yourself drown

The price of fame sometimes comes at too high a cost

You must be careful that you don't end up getting lost

In the high stakes world of make believe and glamour

Because all that glitters isn't always gold

And you must be careful to not sell your own soul

To that wonderful world of entertainment

Where many can only dream of a lifestyle befitted for the rich and the famous

Children of Hollywood drowning in drugs, alcohol and sex

And some will go to any length just to get a big paycheck

Mass media showcases all the fine homes and cars

Then tells us in order to have these things, we must become a star

Very few tell us that worldly possessions doesn't make us who we are

It is your character and integrity that truly makes you the star

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